Saturday, June 25

Cherry Trestle Table with End Leaves

I just finished this table yesterday and am now sitting and waiting for the shippers to get here to take it to California. Ok, I am working on the computer. You caught me.

Below is a shot of the table with the end leaves attached. It is 6' long without leaves and 8' long with the leaves. The challenge of this project was to make the method of attaching the slides work well, be strong, and look great.  I think I succeeded on this one.  My feeling is that, I hate to cut a table in two in order to have it extend. I like the main table to be rock solid on its own. That is why I like the idea of end leaves.

The darker strip of wood is the breadboard end that is part of the table itself.  The leaf is shaped to mate to the convex surface of the breadboard end.
The hollowed edge of the leaf is designed to mate to the convex edge of the end of the main table. 

Here, you can see the keyed saddle joint that holds the leaf firmly in place.

This shows the leaf support slides in their resting position, with the leaves off.

Here is the table without the leaves with one of my New Waltham side chairs.
You can see more about this table at my website including a few videos showing how the leaves go on.
Have a good one,

Timothy Clark

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you are sucess to let this shot table get balance, and it looks beautiful. I have ask my father to give it a try. but can not do so exquisite workmanship as you.
    Great workmanship and professional skills you have!!
